a saying I learned as of late, “Never meet your heroes”. Well, I
can’t say that I met the person who this blog entry is about and I
dunno if I can ever say this person my hero. Kindred spirit that I
felt sympathy for, maybe.
the past few weeks, there’s been I guess you could say a revolt
against entertainment website, Channel Awesome, by former content
creators of the site. Among the asshole behavior listed that the
website creators did to their employees, there came a document that
had shown that the former content creator, Justin “Jewwario”
Carmichal, had sexually assaulted and groomed women that worked with
the site and fans of his. Yes, Jewwario, the “man” that a
previous blog of mine “Goodbye Stranger” was about. A man I felt
a connection to, a man with a wife. Just...fuck.
I shouldn’t have been surprised. A couple of years back, a former
beau who had connections to Channel Awesome told me that Jewwario was
not on the up and up. When she first told me, I didn’t want to
believe her. He came off as too nice of a guy to do what she was
accusing him of. I...I had a connection to him. We both like Japanese
exclusive video games and Tokusatsu. He didn’t look like someone
that could do such a thing. But that’s the thing with mask, you
can’t wear one forever. It doesn’t have to be someone who doesn’t
look like a dangerous person to be a dangerous person. Since I didn’t
discover Jewwario until after he died, I put what my former
beau told me in the back of my mind, but disassociated my self from
him in every way shape and form. I keep my blog entry about him up
however, until today.
really want to address a video he did a while back called “you are
not stupid”. It was a video where he talked to his fans, giving
them possible confidence in perhaps their darkest time. I know I
watch it a few times myself and to think he made this video while
manipulating others is very disturbing. But if anyone feels stupid
from following his words, he’s got one thing right, YOU ARE NOT
STUPID. None of us are, we were manipulated. The smartest people in
the world can be manipulated if they are caught off balance just once
by assholes with hidden agendas. Keep knowing that you are as smart
as the galaxy is and beyond. Wow, that was heavy.
his victims, I’m sorry that he wasn’t the man he made himself out
to be. I’m sorry if you told someone and they didn’t believe you.
No one should ever give you the benefit of the doubt. I know sorry
isn’t enough but…
finally, for Jewwario... お前は野郎だ
As I always say, anyone is capable of anything. My only hope is that this can provide some kind of closure for these girls, and that they can start to heal. And I kind of hope that there is a hell (though, as an atheist, I don't believe that there is), so that he's burning in it for what he did.