Sunday, January 22, 2017

Jimmy and his amazing technicolor... friends

A while back, I wrote a blog explaining why it is taking me so long to graduate from college, a two year one at that. I won't go into detail but as I said in the blog, , unless people are willing to help me pay for schooling, do not ask why it's taking me so long.

Now that that's out of the way, during an argument I had with a family member who shall remain nameless, A question was asked about the ethnicity of my friend base. "You don't have many black friends, do you?" was the question, to be exact. "I have many friends from many walks of life." was my answer and this answer is actually true.

The technicolor dreamcoat is a representation of  my friends, every race, creed, color and sex
I have many friends of many ethnicity from all walks of life. Gay, straight, white, black, pan African to punk. Now, there are times when I become paranoid about my friends, especially when arguments with said relative turns to "Well, if they were your real friends..."

And what makes it worst is this argument (it's come up more than once) tends comes up when I'm at a low point in life, casting doubt in me. In situations like this, I like to think that my friends aren't there for me because they have lives of their own and I'm never the most open person unless I'm EXTREMELY close to said friend. Unfortunately, this doesn't help the question or thought popping up in my head every now and then.

However, this doesn't stop me from making friends. My color is never an issue, at least I hope not. I love being black and I love black people but sometimes fate puts certain people in your life to make it a little better or at least, more humorous, no matter their race.

How else could I explain my current best friend being a tall, Jewish woman insults me 50% of the time we're together, and NO, it's not for fetish reasons.

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