Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Outgrowing "Adult Swim"...

This is not a goodbye to "Adult Swim", because there are still some shows on it I watch, but an opinion of how I feel the program block has De-evolved . Granted, Adult Swim was never the most intelligent program block but the shows weren't in your face with how unintelligent most of the shows have become.

I was around when AS premiered in 2001, on Cartoon Network, and was floored by the shows it produced. With it's cursing, adult themes and situations, and surrealness, the block had me hooked and with the exception of Aqua Teens Hunger Force, the shows were parodies of older Hanna Barbera shows and it was visible that the creators  were fans of Hanna Barbera's output of old school action. I didn't know whether or not these shows were just jokes or recurring series but was excited when the shows were on again the next night and I have been a fan of the block since, until recently...

Lately, or at least around 2009, the shows I loved, like Space Ghost; Coast to Coast, Harvey Birdman, Sealab 2021 and the Brak Show were long gone. Now come shows like Tim & Eric, Metalocalypse, Superjail, Loiter Squad and the Eric Andre Show that pretty much are either loud, violent, nonsensical and sometimes uncomfortable to watch. Aqua Teens is still around but has fell to the level of what is wrong with AS shows. Another show I enjoyed until recently, Robot Chicken, is now just nothing but mostly toys being used for rape and child abuse jokes.

I'm not saying that AS needs to change its ways because I don't see that happening anytime soon. I'm simply stating that their type of programing is not my style anymore. I'll still watch a few shows on the block but the type of audience their aiming for these days has to have dwindled from college aged kids to sophomore high school students. That or I really am just getting old.

Shows I still watch on Adult Swim; Venture Brothers, Black Dynamite, The Boondocks, and Eagleheart.

P.S. Ironically, most of the shows I listed as the most juvenile are live action shows. Weird for a supposedly all cartoon network.

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