Saturday, October 11, 2014

Lonely Summer...

I apologize to my audience (the five of you) for not blogging in so long but a lot has been happening that's kept me a tad busy. This summer left me with the full plate of a new job and a very difficult class, that, in the end, I failed. I do enjoy my new job, there were elements that kept me from enjoying this summer, not getting any personal writing done and hanging out with friends.
Oh and I STILL don't own this yet... 
For over a year, I've been working on a book about how screwed up 2011 was for me and a short sci-fi story I started on in a writing class and I don't even think I've jotted down ideas for either of them since mid May. I wanted to keep this blog more updated or at least conclude the Street Fighter blog by early August but all I finished was "Shenandoh Beauty" and that was late July. As upset with myself I am about not staying on top of my personal writing,  all I can do is make time to work on it whenever the chance is given.

The issue that urks  me the most about this summer is the time, or lack there of, I got to spend with friends. Now my friends aren't fully to blame for this, as there some friends I either avoided, hung out way too much instead of others or just didn't put effort into contacting. There were friends, however, who I truly wanted to hang out with but it always felt like something would get in the way, either on their side or mine. Coming  from a superstitious family (even though I'm agnostic), I feel like this was some form of Murphy's Law, biting me in the ass for said friends I didn't make time for or avoided.

In the end, I don't know what to think. Summer's over with and my schedule is even more hectic. Only thing I can think of doing is appreciate the friendships I have and the time I can get, even with those I previously avoided.
Oh, and I don't own this yet either, Damnit!

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